Why You Should Pay Gas with Cash Instead of Credit Card

Pay Gas with Cash

Pay Gas with Cash Why You Should Pay Gas with Cash Instead of Credit Card Paying Gas with Cash vs. Credit Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re in between gas stations, but the one on the other side of the road has cheaper prices? Let’s say that you make the effort… Continue reading Why You Should Pay Gas with Cash Instead of Credit Card

What You Need to Know About Gas Station Safety

Underground Storage Tank Certification

What You Need to Know About Gas Station Safety Gas Station Safety Have you ever taken a road trip and needed gas at night in the middle of nowhere? It can be pretty scary. Likewise, it can be equally scary (if not, more) for a gas station clerk who is the only one on duty,… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Gas Station Safety

What are the EPA regs for USTs

Federal Guidelines Stay on Top of Federal Guidelines for Underground Storage Tank Regulations The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the Federal governing body that sets the federal guidelines for the underground storage tank industry but the individual states are responsible for the regulation of them. But if you wanted to know more about the general… Continue reading What are the EPA regs for USTs

What working as a gas station attendant for 2 months taught me about people

Working at a Gas Station for 2 months What working as a gas station attendant for 2 months taught me about people Here are some people and entrepreneurial skills I picked up from my experience as a gas station attendant which significantly improved my entrepreneurial instincts by: By  Rafi Chowdhury, I am a blogger, consultant &… Continue reading What working as a gas station attendant for 2 months taught me about people